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Creating sustainable collaborations through ecosystemic design thinking and collective care 



Sympoiesis provides holistic educational trainings, workshops and consultancy for building sustainable partnerships, groups and organizations according to ecosystemic design thinking. Our approach involves creating the cultures of care necessary for supporting long-term collective work and action, preventing burnout and deepening impacts.


We engage mind, emotions, body and imagination through social ecology, reflective and creative practice, storytelling and interactive paedagogies.


Sympoiesis is a space for connecting, rethinking past and present, and opening up sustainable pathways to alternative futures. 

Sympoiesis  means 'making with'. 

It is a word proper to complex, dynamic, responsive, situated, historical systems. 

It is a word for worlding-with, in company.

—Donna Haraway

Krini Kafiris is an an educator, activist and researcher in sustainable organizing, gender issues and social ecology. She focuses on reflective and creative practices in envisioning and working for post-capitalist futures, which include storytelling and sound. She is a member of the Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE) and co-founder with Eve Olney of Radical Institute, a transnational programme for sustainable organizing, collaborating and mentoring in the arts. She has developed and conducted workshops and trainings on issues related to sustainable organizing, as well as gender equity in several European countries for a wide range of participants, including activists, artists, media professionals, civil servants, UNDP-ACT and NGO staff. She has also participated in autonomous feminist groups, the social solidarity economy, and taught media/communication at British, Cypriot and Greek universities. She trained in sustainable organizing at Ulex Project, community organizing with the European Community Organizing Network and holds a DPhil in Media and Cultural Studies from the University of Sussex.

Anastasia Kafiris is an experienced professional in management for non-profit organizations. During her 10+ years of experience in this area she has held the positions of Director of Programs & Fundraising for ActionAid Hellas (an international organization working for a world free from poverty and injustice, with local programs focusing on gender, education, youth, and community development), Director General of ethelon (the only non-profit organization in Greece dedicated to training, motivating, and connecting volunteers and organizations, as well as promoting a culture of volunteering) and Director General of the Hellenic Children’s Museum (an educational and cultural organization). Prior to this, she had a 15-year career in communications and public relations with a special interest in CSR. She has held numerous senior management positions in leading marketing-communication agencies and has extensive experience in developing strategic communication programs for national and global corporations. Anastasia holds a BA in Sociology from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana and an MA in Public Communication from American University, Washington D.C. 


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More about our work coming soon ...

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